Well, I don’t care if you can or if you can’t, because I’m gonna hit you over the head with more than just one from Adam. You see, if you find yourself in a situation much as I have found myself in one, where you got these snaps that have to go up on the blog, and you would just like to go home and tuck yourself into the O&J Sleep Station, but you got these snaps just burnin’ a hole in your pocket, and you gotta do something with them because they are burnin’ burnin’ hot, and you can’t keep them all bottled up, you gotta get them to the masses, you can’t keep your peeps in the field waiting like this, you gotta get them out, then you might just have to do what it is that I’m about to do and hit you with some snaps, with no regard to what you can handle or not handle, because these snaps are just that good and it’s time that you either buck up and see just what it is that you can handle, to see how far it is you can let your mind go into the world of snaps and just scream from the bottom of your soul with all your might, even though you might not know it to be true, ‘GIVE IT TO ME STRAIGHT, I CAN TAKE IT!’
You got that?
Now step up and get ready, right after this brief message.
Much thanks to Adam & Entourage (Ma and GF) for having a great time with us down at the FunCenter.
Much Love – Enjoy!