Can You Handle One From Adam?

Well, I don’t care if you can or if you can’t, because I’m gonna hit you over the head with more than just one from Adam. You see, if you find yourself in a situation much as I have found myself in one, where you got these snaps that have to go up on the blog, and you would just like to go home and tuck yourself into the O&J Sleep Station, but you got these snaps just burnin’ a hole in your pocket, and you gotta do something with them because they are burnin’ burnin’ hot, and you can’t keep them all bottled up, you gotta get them to the masses, you can’t keep your peeps in the field waiting like this, you gotta get them out, then you might just have to do what it is that I’m about to do and hit you with some snaps, with no regard to what you can handle or not handle, because these snaps are just that good and it’s time that you either buck up and see just what it is that you can handle, to see how far it is you can let your mind go into the world of snaps and just scream from the bottom of your soul with all your might, even though you might not know it to be true, ‘GIVE IT TO ME STRAIGHT, I CAN TAKE IT!’

You got that?


Now step up and get ready, right after this brief message.

Much thanks to Adam & Entourage (Ma and GF) for having a great time with us down at the FunCenter.

Much Love – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors


Our Tuesday past came to a wonderful conclusion, and this was made possible with a visit from yet another of the Totally Rocking Ladies of Glenburn (of which, we have had the good pleasure of working with so many of them…they have all been a dream…Glenburn, where the women are rocking – that might be their town motto, or it might not, you can go find out, I gots stuff to do)!

As is par for these ladies, Leah was a blast to work with friendly, great smile, and all around class act! We had a great time working with her, and our time was all to short (but sweet!) We would like to thank her for helping us bring the day to an end in such a great way, and we would now like to stop all of this mumbling on and get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

T. Straight Up.

Why waste a bunch of your time with all sorts of crazy words. We’ve all done that trip before, you have to wade through all sorts of my gibberish, just so you can get to the sweet sample snaps, your patience eventually being rewarded, but often times a feeling of ‘Is the mad writing really worth it?’ creeping across your mind.

So, I’m not going to do all that with this one. I’m not going to go on and on about how totally awesome T (you can call him Travis, if so desired) was during our shoot. I’m not going to brag about how when it came time to deliver the goods, T did so like a total and complete rock star. I’m not even going to say anything about how sweet the snappy snaps look.

Oh no, this one is going to be different. It’s going to be a short and sweeet post, skipping all of that hoo-ha in favor of something much more clean, much simpler. So, I ask you now, are you ready for it?

Here goes.

T. Straight up. Rocked.

And that’s all I’m gonna say about that – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

The Sweet & Mellow Sounds of Becky, Master of the Studio and Beyond!

The title of this post may actually sum it all up, as our SuperSeniorMonday came to an absolutely wonderful conclusion with a visit from new friend to Otis & James, the totally easy-going mellow gold one and only Becky! In keeping with the tradition of the day, she was down for some SweetSweetSenior Snaps!

Becky, along with her equally as lovely assistant (Ma) were a dream to work with, and they made our time together one that was filled with good times and ease for all. I’m just going to say it loud and say it proud, we got some really really real good snaps during our time together, but alas, it was not us that did the hard work, it was all Becky – without her, we’re nothing. Don’t tell anybody our secret.

Well, looking at the O&J time meter (clock), I see that I have rambled on for far too long now, and I really must be going. So, big thanks to Becky (and assistant), and to the rest of you all out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our Monday continued on, as we welcomed the one and only Ashley (again, I know that there are many Ashley’s out there, but she’s the only one that mattered to us at this juncture of our existences…no disrespect to any other Ashley out there, for I know of at least one that will soon be the center of our universe, but let’s get back to the Ashley at hand) to the FunCenterforFunstyleSnaps, and she didn’t just stop by to give us some V8 and a tangerine, oh no…she came down for some dope style Senior Snaps!

Let me reassure you out there in Blogville (which is just east of Ruthville, if my NoDak Geography continues to serve me mind), dope style Senior Snaps was just what we got! I mean, seriously, how on earth could we do wrong with a person as lovely as Ashley is??!! If you want to know the truth, we actually didn’t even take the snaps. We just gave her the camera, and since she is so good, she did everything. All we did was sit in the car and marvel in her awesomenessiousness.

I could go on, and on, and on again, but I will spare you from this slow and painful way of spending a blog post. I will instead have you look below (or at least do so when you have stopped reading…which many of you may have already done) and bask in the glowing beauty of Ashley – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Monday Morning…Amber Style!

Our first client of the new week was an old old friend of Otis & James, the lovely and talented Amber! You see, we first met her way way back in the day; as she accompanied her equally lovely and talented sistah Sara during her Senior Snaps!

This being the case, she came to the SuperFunCenter (gotta compete with Wallyworld, so if you put a Super in front of your name, you should be just fine…i.e. Miracle Mart, or Super Miracle Mart – which would you rather go to??) totally mentally prepared, as she has spent the past year in a zen-like preparation. It has been a rigorous regime (which is a good band name if anybody wants it) of hair, makeup, clothes, posing – and it has served her well.

I say that it has served her well because her snaps turned out totally and completely awesome on 74 different levels. We have had people rock in the low seventies, but not all the way up to 74. Dang. Now that’s rocking. We had a great time with Amber, and her assistant (no longer older sistah, she is just now the assistant (sorry Sara, but this is class of ’07 and you are old now, and relegated to just being the assistant 🙁 ) as we traveled out and about in search of the perfect snap!

We would like to give a ‘shout-out’ (still livin’ in the Nineties, that I am) to Amber for being so righteously awesome, but I think that enough reading has gone on, and it is time instead to look at some colorful pixels from the day – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

A Batch of Sweet Thursday Snaps, With A Dash of Jenna!

I’m not even sure what the title of this post means, but it makes me think of cookies. You know, I like cookies. And, it’s crazy, because we liked working with Jenna this past week on her Senior Snaps! You are correct, that was the worst segue there ever was! Yay!

As I says, we had the good-golly-great pleasure of working with the incomparable Jenna this past week, in order to get what the kids are now calling ‘Senior Pictures’…again…Yay! What will they think of next??!! Ahhhhhhh…sweet youth. The world stands before them, beckoning them to soon leave their nests and fly off into the great unknown. And that’s why we take the snaps. So you can have them forever framed in all their Senior Year glory! This may not seem like much to them now, but someday they too will look back at their old senior snaps, and grow a little wistful for the pureness of this time in their lives. The crazy part is that this voyage to the land of wistful will be taken through the image that first passed through our eyes. You may look back at the snap someday, and you might not even remember our names. Perhaps it was Lotus & Vang, Bartles & James…ahh, who knows. Long after we are gone, the snap still remains. Crazy

Whoa, my mind offically became blown on that one. Well, as I was saying, we had a great time working with the lovely Jenna, and be sure to look for us to add a couple of snaps to her post when we finish up the rest o’ the shoot! A’ight (as the kids are so fond of saying), enough of all this, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Kaylee…Master of the Short Thumbs Up!

Not only is she the Master of the Short Thumbs Up, she is also the only person to be hit in the head with my light meter (which is actually a deck of cards box painted black with a string attached…shhhhhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone that I really live in a world of delusion), but after reviewing the tape, we found that it was not I that hit her, but actually her that rammed her head into the meter…crafty, my friend…crafty.

We moved on from these treacherous early moments, and she forgave me for the ‘incident’, as I like to think of it, and the results, if you don’t mind me saying, are gogeoustacularfantatstic!! We did all sorts of stuff on our crazy little adventure, I even got to pet a horse, A REAL LIVE HORSE! Um…horses actually kind of aren’t my bag – they’re really big and I’m more of a cat person. They are small and like to purr. Horses might trample you. Not that I have anything against horses, again, they’re just not my bag…whatever that means.

Umm…where was I…oh yes, Kaylee! Well, I don’t know if there is really all that much more to say other than our time together was short and sweet – there was no better way for us to conclude our day than with a visit from this lovely and talented lady person. We truly had a great time working with her, and we would like to thank her for all of the rocking that she so awesomely did. And she likes both country, and western music…and fishing. So there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Friendly Jon!

With a name like Friendly Jon, I’m pretty sure that you’re able to figure out that:

a)His name is Jon
b)He is friendly

OK, his first name really isn’t ‘Friendly’, it’s actually just Jon. Well…I actually didn’t check his ID to see if it wasn’t Friendly, so I guess that I really can’t say with much certainty one way or another that his name is or isn’t Friendly…but I’m thinking that his ‘rents (and that’s short for parents – for all you’s squares out there) would pretty much have to be super-hippies (which is also the name of the lamest group of Marvel Comic stars possible – they just want to talk about our differences with the bad guys, instead of zapping them with our laser-beam eyes…dang lame Super-Hippies) in order to have a first name like Friendly.

Moving on, which I think is a good thing, we had a great time working with Jon, and we got ourselves a convoy…uh…wrong song…we got ourselves some totallay awesome (and I meant to spell totally that way) sweet snaps of the event.

Without any further adieu, I present Jon – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


On Wednesday, the doors of the FunCenter (does this opening sound familiar, have we all done this before, are we stuck in some sort of a loop???) opened up and we welcomed the lovely RaeAnne to the studio for some sweetsweetseniorsnaps!!

She, along with her lovely assistant (Ma), were absolutely wonderful to work with! In fact, James enjoyed it so much she wanted to keep it all for herself and she kicked me off the shoot. Booted. Just like that. Well, I could then get back to the tasks that James likes me to do (i.e. taking out trash, vacuuming out her car, staying out of her way, not making direct eye contact with her…you know…it’s totally normal.)

They did just fine without me (as if that’s a suprise), and the results give credence to this statement. Word of the day, credence. Look it up. Or I’ll do it for you.

credence |ˈkrÄ“dns| noun 1 belief in or acceptance of something as true : psychoanalysis finds little credence among laymen. • the likelihood of something being true; plausibility : being called upon by the media as an expert lends credence to one’s opinions. 2 [usu. as adj. ] a small side table, shelf, or niche in a church for holding the elements of the Eucharist before they are consecrated : a credence table.

With this knowledge in mind, (and in case you didn’t figure it out, I’m not talking about the side table/Eucharist definition) me thinks it time to move onward, to a place in which more picture viewing and less words are good. Much thanks to RaeAnne, and to all of you out there in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors