
Does this thing work if left in the rain, or hit with a stick to the beat of the music, or will it just combust?

What’s the deal with these cats? Do I really ‘Gotta Love ‘Em (unless they have an eye patch) – which is actually the title of a really great ’50’s country & western song – do I?

Questions, my dear bloggerites, questions that make my head hurt. But there is no question about our new friend, Andrew.

Andrew, thanks for the mems (that’s short for memories – it’s about the abbrev’s ’round here.) You made our hump day (I don’t know if that term should be put into writing, as there is something not quite right about it) perfect.

Seriously, what’s the deal with these cats?

Don’t be deceived by the glasses…the middle one is trouble. Serious.

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Elyse…The Conclusion!

Many months ago, in fact it may have even been years ago, in fact Elyse may have started her Senior Portraits when she was still in grade school, in fact she may have even started them before we were born.

Ponder that, if you will, and then you will understand how exciting it was to experience the thrilling conclusion of Senior Portraits this past Tuesday for the one and only Elyse! We stared out at the home (where we had the great pleasure of experiencing all sorts of totally awesome animals – even a Llama ((do you capitalize that?)) – it was crazy!), and from there moved to super-windy bridges, and then some downtown, and then back to the Studio of Fun for the final snaps!

It was whirlwind, it was an adventure, and it couldn’t have been any easier due to the hard work of the lovel Elyse and her assistant – Mom! We would like to thank this dynamic duo for their great work, and their patience over the past year. So, we would now like to offer up some snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our Tuesday morning got off to an absolutely wonderful start as the O&J Superfuncenter for Fun was jump-started with the exuberence of the absolutely wonderful Alisha!

As I always state about mornings, I’m not all that into them. I know that this will continue to cause problems with my relationship with the rest of the world, as it seems that most of the world tries to function during the nine to five time frame. But if working with lovely and talented individuals such as Alisha during these scary morning hours continues, I may have to change my mind about the morning.

You see, the morning became an absolutely wonderful place in which the cheerful sunny disposition of the birds and sun and all that didn’t bother me in the ways in which it normally does. Oh no, Alisha made it all wonderful – it was a dream to work with her, and I would now like to stop all of this crazy rambling and just get down to buis-nast and show you some snaps – and before I get to the enjoyment part, a big thank you to Alisha for spending time with us, and for being so great to work with – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Happy Birthday Becca!

I’m not a morning person, and I have stated this before. I love the nightlife, I want to boogey-woogie all night long. Morning…meh.

Yesterday morning was a glorious morning, what with the birds and sun and all that stuff that I normally miss out on. It was a perfect morning, but it was not because of all that morning stuff. It was perfect because we had the great opportunity of working with new friend of Otis & James, the one and only Becca!

Dudes, she rocked. Straight up. We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful time with Becca, and by the end of the shoot I almost felt sad that our time had drawn to a close. But there should not be sadness, no, instead we should let some sweet sweet snaps take us back to those golden olden days when Becca was in the O&J Funcenter.

One more thing before we go – Happy Birthday Becca! I hope I was able to provide you with good information on voting and other things we spoke about yesterday.

Peace Out, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


This morning (can you belive that I’m actually starting a post that occured on the same day??!!) the Otis & James Community Place For Them (O&JCPFT) welcomed our new friend Lindsey, and her entourage of Sisters & Mom for some Super-Fantasitc Senior Snaps!

We were lucky to catch her, as the plane to Motown was leaving soon – but not so soon that we couldn’t spend a little time with her! We had a great time working with this fantastic young lady, and I was able to show her how much we appreciated her stopping by to hang out with us by a recitation of all knowledge pertaining to the Motor City (which, other than my knowledge of Nugent, really isn’t that impressive…but I tried.)

She was great, we had fun (we hope she did to), and we would like to say a big thanks to Lindsey and her lovely entourage for making time for the Otis & James Caravan. To show this thanks, we would now like to offer up some snaps from our time – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Last Monday, (and I’m talkin’ ’bout the one that came not just this past one, but the one that was the one before) we had the great pleasure of welcoming back to the studio the one and only Anna!

She was with us a couple of weeks before this for some super-awesome and totally rockin- Prom snaps, and obviously we didn’t scare her enough with our strange brand of early thirties creepiness that we, or actually I, sometimes give off. Like I’m all like, “Yeah, I’m just listening to Fall Out Boy on my iPod”, when in reality I’m listening to the soundtrack to Flashdance on my Walkman Cassette Playa.

She was able to put all of this aside and come back for some super Senior Snaps, and the results were sweet. Totally. But don’t take my word for it, my fellow bloggers, look at the snaps…look at the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Sometimes all you gotta say is, Dang. That man’s good. And in this case, I’m gonna leave it at that, because when Jacob came down to the studio – he owned the shoot.

It was effortless, he made our lives as simple as could be, and the results were pure gold, baby.

A big O&J thank you (or, mad props – depending on whichever you prefer) to Jacob for taking time to come and visit us, and for rocking it up so tough. Without any further delay – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Natalie & Neal!

Last Thursday (and again, I’m talkin’ ’bout the one that came before the one that we just had) the Otis & James Center for Good Things (O&JCFGT) opened up the doors and welcomed our new friends, Natalie & Neal!

The cause – some Sweet & Tasty Senior Pics! I don’t quite know why I capitalized Sweet & Tasty, but it works. This reminds me of a story. Way back in the good ol’ Mounds View High School days, one of my classes was poetry. A fun class, good teach, etc.. One of my fellow students wrote a poem that he presented to the class, and the title of it was ‘My Sweetheart’ or something to that extent, but as he passed the photocopied version through the class, we came to see that he had instead titled it ‘My Sweatheart’, which conjures a whole new set of mental imagery. One wrong letter, and something so good can turn to something so wrong.

What does this have to do with Natalie & Neal??? Nothing!! Back to 2006 again, we had a great time working with this dynamic duo, and would like to say thank you for being so easy to work with. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

O&JWYB v.7: Vanessa!

Our day today came to a thrilling (now, I’m not sure that thrilling is really the best adjective to use, and it seems to imply that there may have been something dangerous that went down…perphaps a car chase or a moment in which we would have to make a decision to be caught by the bad guys, or jump from the bridge to the train that was passing below…and to the best of my knowledge, none of this went down, but there were those few moments when I had to answer a telephone call and it was James and Vanessa ((or Nessie, to her closest of friends, but we’re still in that whole ‘we’ve only known one another for a few hours’ stage of a relationship, and it may not be appropriate, but maybe there would be that point further down the road in which something like this might happen, but I’m not going to wait for it to happen, but if it does, that’s good, but if not, that’s cool)) solo in the studio, and these things may have gone down, but it also seems to me that there would have been some evidence of this, like some cuts or bruises, and there were neither…in fact…they both looked normal…maybe even a little too normal) conclusion with a visit from new friend to Otis & James, Vanessa – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

O&JWYB v.5: Chelse!

This afternoon we had the great pleasure of welcoming to the Otis & James Center for the Study of Things (O&JCFTSOT) none other than the lovely Chelse and her gang of assistants!

Why, you ask, did we have this great pleasure?? Well, the answer is none other than some souper (this is how I would like to spell the word from now on, as it reminds me of soup) fantastic Senior Portraits!

Again, could someone explain to me what the dilly-yo is on us and Seniors that are absolutely wonderful to work with? Chelse was a dream to work with, and we would like to extend the big ol’ Otis & James Thanks to her and her entourage for taking time to visit us on this beautiful afternoon. So, without any further waiting, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors