McKinzey…Straight Up.

What else could we have expected other than her totally and completely owning her shoot? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang girl…you’re gonna hurt yourself in the brain if you keep this intense level of rockitude up.

As usual, much thanks for letting me wear your glasses (B-B-B Benny & The Jets Style), and for you faithful bloggerites out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Today got off to an absolutely incredible start when new friend of Otis & James Kaylee (and her entourage) graced us with their presence for some fantascutacular (that word is indeed, hard to say) Senior Portraits!

Again, I’m not sure what the dilly-yo is, and I’m also not sure if that is the correct way to spell dilly-yo, but we have possibly the most incredible group of Seniors, and they just keep getting better and better!

Case in point was none other than our visit from Kaylee – I mean, how much harder can someone rock when having their portraits taken. I defy you to rock as awesome as she did! We had a great time working with her (as well as her entourage), and we would now like to stop all of this jibberish writing and take a look at some pics to prove these statements I have made – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Jolene…Again, and Finally!

It may seem like practically an eternity ago, but this past Thursday (and if I can get this writting in six minutes or less, I will get it posted still less than a week later) we welcomed back to the studio none other than the one and only Jolene!

Our mission today was to elaborate on our previous time together, and do this we indeed did, and did it in an elaborating way we did do indeed! As was to be expected working with such an totally rocking individual, we had a great time, and the photos by the photogs were rock-rock-rockin!

We would like to thank Jolene and her assistant (Mom) for taking time to visit us again, and for being patient in getting your blogger (or whatever it is you would like to call this.) So, before the clock stikes midnight, I present…Jolene – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors



We come to you today with our collective tail between our legs. You see, we…well…actually I (Otis) did something really, really dumb. Last Thursday you came down to the Otis & James Funcenter for Fun (O&JFFF) and had some super spectacular Senior Pics taken, and the next day I made up a blog entry to commemorate the occasion.

But here’s where the problem starts. Instead of publishing this entry on the blog for everyone to see, I instead made it so the entry could only be seen by me. Now, James says that it’s not good to keep the entries to myself, and that I need to make them for everyone to see, as hoarding the entries is very selfish of me.

Well, after quite a few days I finally realized my error, and I just want to say – ‘Here’s your blogger – You were great – Please Forgive!’

Without any further waiting, I present to you the lovely and talented Brianna – Enjoy!

With Warmest Regards,


All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Saturdays with Andrew!

Otis & James welcomed none other than Ray’s very own, Andrew to the Super-Studio for some Super-Sweet Senior-Snaps! Even though this sounds as if it is a snack treat, I assure you my fellow bloggers that there were no snacks served, even though I’m sure that people would enjoy a nice snack here or there, this is and was not our purpose today.

Oh no, our purpose instead was to rock it up on the Senior front, and this was made totally and completey easy as Andrew was totally awesome to work with! He, along with his entourage (Ma/Pa) couldn’t have been any friendlier, and we thank them for making the trek down to our secluded little corner of downtown this morning/afternoon. As a special treat, we’d like to now offer up some sample snaps of our time – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Mic Check.

I think we’re on.

Yesterday afternoon our week of the treatiest seniors possible continued with a visit from the straight up fan-tabulous human vessel of talent, the incomparable Amanda!

She, along with her special guest Priscilla (and please correct me if I did not spell that correctly!) came down the Otis & James Foundation for Cookie Research (OJFCR)† with the intention of getting some super-duper senior snaps! We had so much fun with Amanda, that we could barely bring ourselves to stop in the photo-graphic fun!

Amanda was totally perfect, totally, perfect, awesome, totally. As I explained to her yesterday, my vocabulary stunted sometime around ’87 – the days of Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive style. Regardless of this impediment, me thinks the only words to describe this lovely and talented young woman are totally sweet – and we would now like to offer up some proof of these statements – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography
†Much progress being made on the Oreo Study, Choco Chip still an enigma.

Categorized as Seniors


Up next in this photographic duo from yesterday was none other than the one, the only, she that is totally sweetly sweet – Lacie!!

In continuing the tradition of her sister, Lacie quickly established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the studio. She didn’t follow in the steps of those before here, she blazed new paths. We were lucky enough to follow her through this uncharted terrain. Even though this description sounds ‘safari-esque’, and it even has me slightly perplexed, let me break it down hammerstyle for you – she rocked. Straight up. Is the MC Hammer still popular?

We would like to extend great thanks to Lacie for taking some time for us this afternoon, and we would now like to serve up some sample snaps from the festivities – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Yesterday afternoon we at the Otis & James Center for Unemployed Drummers (OJCUD) welcomed new friends to the O&J family the lovely Lindsey & her lovely sister Lacie! The cause was none other than some super-fantastic Senior Portraits!

Seniors, Don’t ya just love ’em??!! Moving on from that cheesy ‘Pepperidge Farm‘ sentiment (you know, the commercials that have that guy with the creepy east coast/old man thing going on) – I digress – we actually do love our Seniors, as they have all been totally treat-ful to work with over the past year, and today proved to be no different!

We started off with Lindsey, and she was completely awesome as she totally tore it up throughout the shoot. We laughed, we were serious, there was no crying – but had we asked I’m sure she would have obliged if it would have made a better photograph.

We want to thank Lindsey for taking time for us, and would now like to offer up some pics from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our Saturday continued with a visit from the absolutely lovely Samantha, for some super sweet Senior Portraits! She came down to the O&J Center for Photographic Things ready to rock, and rock she did!

She was totally put together – she could be a fashion stylist with the skills that she displayed during our time together. She was accesorized, energized, and any other number of words that end with ‘ized’ none of which come to mind right now other than spiritualized, but I’m not quite sure that the image of a spiritualized senior is what I’m trying to convey right now, but getting back to the topic at hand, she was completely wonderful to work with – and it show in her pics.

A big thank you for Samantha and her entourage for taking the time to visit us this afternoon! So, off with all this crazy writing, and on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

With a Name Like Matt…

We knew (or at least I did) that this shoot would be good! This past Friday, we had the great pleasure of welcoming Matt to the O&J Fortress of Good Times for some Senior Snaps.

Having already worked with the sister of this young man (more man than young), we also knew that he was going to be great to work with, and indeed he was. He brought out his A game, and we all let the good times roll! We had a great time working with Matt, and wish him all the best in all his future endeavors – and for the rest of you out there in blog world – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors