We come to you today with our collective tail between our legs. You see, we…well…actually I (Otis) did something really, really dumb. Last Thursday you came down to the Otis & James Funcenter for Fun (O&JFFF) and had some super spectacular Senior Pics taken, and the next day I made up a blog entry to commemorate the occasion.
But here’s where the problem starts. Instead of publishing this entry on the blog for everyone to see, I instead made it so the entry could only be seen by me. Now, James says that it’s not good to keep the entries to myself, and that I need to make them for everyone to see, as hoarding the entries is very selfish of me.
Well, after quite a few days I finally realized my error, and I just want to say – ‘Here’s your blogger – You were great – Please Forgive!’
Without any further waiting, I present to you the lovely and talented Brianna – Enjoy!
With Warmest Regards,

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography