Here we go. Mic Check. Mic Check. Alright, I think this thing is on. OK. So here goes.
Ladies & Gents! I come to you today with some good news, and this good news is not that I’ve finally figured out that I prefer dijon to yellow mustard, and it is not that I’ve discovered an alternative to fossil fuels, and it’s not even that I’ve finally figured out what they dilly-yo with the Loch Ness Monster is. No No No NO!
The good news that I come to you with is that after a delay during which the ever-lovely Serena & Sheldon languished in some sort of a blog nether-world, one that was neither here nor there, they weren’t up, they weren’t down, they just kind of were, well…after being in this world for a while, they have finally made it to the part of the blog that is visible to the outside world! They are free from the nightmare that has been the unpublished world of blog! Welcome to this new version of reality, my friends!
The reason that this wonderfullypatient couple first entered the doors of the FunCenter was because they needed some supersweet (remember, you know what that means now!), and since we were offering some supersweet on the day they stopped down, this seemed to be a perfect match!
We had a totally goodlygood time working with this fantastic couple, and we wished that our time together would never end, but I’m pretty sure that after hour number fourteen of Otis telling stories of his ‘wild years’, they would have given anything for our time together to end, so it did, and it was, and it shall be. What? I’m not sure if that worked, but sometimes my fingers move, and I can’t control what is going on. Well, enough of this chit chat. MuchLove and ManyThanks to Serena & Sheldon for giving us some of their sweet time, and to all of you out there in your pleasant blog homes – Enjoy!
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography