Serena & Sheldon!

Here we go. Mic Check. Mic Check. Alright, I think this thing is on. OK. So here goes.

Ladies & Gents! I come to you today with some good news, and this good news is not that I’ve finally figured out that I prefer dijon to yellow mustard, and it is not that I’ve discovered an alternative to fossil fuels, and it’s not even that I’ve finally figured out what they dilly-yo with the Loch Ness Monster is. No No No NO!

The good news that I come to you with is that after a delay during which the ever-lovely Serena & Sheldon languished in some sort of a blog nether-world, one that was neither here nor there, they weren’t up, they weren’t down, they just kind of were, well…after being in this world for a while, they have finally made it to the part of the blog that is visible to the outside world! They are free from the nightmare that has been the unpublished world of blog! Welcome to this new version of reality, my friends!

The reason that this wonderfullypatient couple first entered the doors of the FunCenter was because they needed some supersweet (remember, you know what that means now!), and since we were offering some supersweet on the day they stopped down, this seemed to be a perfect match!

We had a totally goodlygood time working with this fantastic couple, and we wished that our time together would never end, but I’m pretty sure that after hour number fourteen of Otis telling stories of his ‘wild years’, they would have given anything for our time together to end, so it did, and it was, and it shall be. What? I’m not sure if that worked, but sometimes my fingers move, and I can’t control what is going on. Well, enough of this chit chat. MuchLove and ManyThanks to Serena & Sheldon for giving us some of their sweet time, and to all of you out there in your pleasant blog homes – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Jill & Ben!

How does that old song go, that old standard…this is how you do it, baby? Is that it? Didn’t Sinatra make that famous? Judges? What’s that…not Sinatra? Oh well. Could have sworn that it was. Yeah…uhhhh…so that takes us to…where was I…OH YES! Jill & Ben!

The reason that I was thinking of that ol’ chestnut was because the totally awesome Jill & Ben stopped down to the FunCenter the other day for some righteously sweet (and my period of what are has come to an end, you’ve got to figure this out on your own…I know you can do it…I know you can!), and they – as the song implies – showed us how it was done, baby!

Jill & Ben, by the way, are the Grand Prize winners from the Fianceé Bridal Show this past January, and we couldn’t be any more excited to be a part of their wedding! In life, you are rarely the prize winner, but we’ve found that being a prize giver can be just as good!

Well, I think you’ve all had enough of these words, and it is time for us to gaze at the pictographic sweetness that is…Jilly & Ben – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

MM v.11 :: The Rebecca & Dan Edition!

Is it just me, or have these Midnite Meditation (MM) posts lasted for a few days now? Well, either way, it’s midnite somewhere (and yes, my faithful of the blog, I am aware that this is now how you are supposed to spell this word, so just let it go and accept that I’m gonna spell it this way, and there’s nothing that you can do about it), and I’m about to meditate hardcore on Rebecca & Dan!

Uhhhh…I’m not quite sure how exactly it is that you mediate hardcore on something or somebody, but that is not for us to discuss right now. My friends, I come to you today (and, as I write this I am actually sitting in a waiting area at the Nissan dealership in Bismarck…the o&jMobile needs some love, and miracle of miracles, the dealership has wireless, and since I always have my trusted laptop with me – it still has no name, nothing cool like Schroeder or anything like that, it is just a little guy with a small dent on the cover, but again, I have not come to you today to talk about this stuff either, it was just an aside to show you just how dedicated I am to delivering the goods to you, the faithful of the blog) to talk about the goodlygoods that were got, the sweetlysweets that were had, and the totallyawesome time we had this past week working with the one and only Rebecca & Dan on their!

They busted on in to the FunCenter, which happens to be the Center of Fun, and they showed us how to totally and completely rock it up, e.pic style! Again, I’m not sure that that sentence means, nor do I really need to be sure. The only thing that I really need to communicate to you with any certainty is that we had a totally awesome time working with this incredibly special couple, and we are so glad they chose Otis & James for the job!

We would like to give mountains and mountains of Love to this wonderful couple for stopping by, and for being so great to work with! And to you, my little people of the blog, my faithful of the blog, get ready for the goods, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Trish & Chad!

The rocking and rolling 24 hour a day superpartay that is Otis & James continued with a visit from the superfantasticallywonderliscious Trish & Chad! And why, oh why, do you think – my fellow bloggerites (technically, I’m the Mayor of Blogville, and you are my faithful servants, but as a good politician, I will pretend to be one of you, in order to build up enough trust to get me elected to another term, which, in all reality, I don’t need to worry about as I have temporarily permanantly suspended all open elections until further notice in the interest of ‘national security’ – even though it is more just in the interest in my own ‘job security’) – that this sweetly couple stopped down to the FunCenter on a day so fine?

Let me tell you this, and this only. They came down for some superawesome! And guess what, get some superawesome is exactly what they did do! Because would I really come here and tell you that they didn’t? But that’s not for us to worry about at this moment, as they did, and this is all that matters!

Much fun was had in the FunCenter, and none of it would have been possible if we hadn’t have had the good fortune of working with the one & only Trish & Chad! We would now like to give some serious serious shout outs (really is it still 1997) to these two lovely peeps for coming down to the FunCenter, and to all of my ‘fellow’ bloggerites – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Jessica & Kyle!

There was this one time, and we were sitting around in the FunCenter (do I use that word too much? You know, the term ‘FunCenter’ really started off as a joke a long time ago, but has since grown into an actual term, and now I think that the studio is really known more as the FunCenter than as the studio, which is good, because the term ‘studio’ kind of resides in the Land of Lame (LOL…wait…no pun intended LoLz!) and it is a good thing that we were able to get rid of the term stu-stu-studio and instead come up with a sweetly sweet term that has way more street cred (and for those of you that don’t know, street cred is what makes the FunCenter different from all the rest…what we got you couldn’t come up with after a meeting or much discussion…oh no…what we got comes from the soul, and if you don’t got soul, you don’t got it. Got it?) than the term ‘studio’ – like, seriously, every lame photog from here to kingdom come has a studio, but we’s got oursleves a FunCenter, and I’d like to see you top that, yo) wondering how it was that our day was going to be saved from skulduggery and boredome, and what should happen at that very moment but we should have the good fortune of being joined by the one and only Jessica & Kyle for some totally awesome!


All was right in the land of Otis & James (not in any way related to the ‘Land of Lame’) as we completely and totally tore it up during our all together too short, but yet totally sweet time together! We would like to extend MuchLove to this wonderful couple for giving us a little bit of their sweet and prescious time, and to all of you out there wondering if I’m ever going to get to this one magic word – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Ashley & Eric!

Wide Open.
In walks.
Ashley & Eric!

Engagement Pics!

What you have just witnessed is an affliction affecting many of our nations youth. They are called ‘MySpace Fragmented Sentences’, and they will be the downfall of society as we know it. Really now, it is a problem that needs to be addressed from our local municipalites all the way up to the highest reaches of society. Our youth need to be aware of proper punctuation, proper use of uppercase and lowercase, and most importatly, what constitutes a complete sentence. Here, let me give you an expample:

We had a wonderful time working with Ashley & Eric during their sojourn to the FunCenter this past week! Our time was filled with sunshine, roses, love and beautiful photographs! We would like to extend a large bag of thanks to this wonderful couple for giving us a little bit of their sweet and prescious time, and to all of you out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

See??!! Easy as that! You have been made aware, there are no more excuses. It is up to us to stop this problem. Gods Speed. And, MuchLove! Oh…one more time – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Sarah & Ryan!

Now, gather ’round the digital fire that is the blog (I don’t actually recommend setting fire to anything, and most definatley you should not set fire to your computer, unless it happens to spontaneously combust, in which case you should always keep a fire extinguisher nearby, and if the fire is enjoyable, then you should enjoy it, and if the fire gets out of control, you should extinguish it…was that expression used during the OJ case? It seems familiar somehow. Where am I…ahh yes…I remember now!) and prepare ye for a story of a wonderful couple that – for the sake of conversation, well, come to think of it, it will probably be like this after this converstaion is over, but I’m just living in the now and I’ll leave it to all of you to figure out these greater questions – shall be known as Sarah & Ryan!

At some point in their lives, and judging from the looks of their supersweetsamplesnaps (NO PEEKING! Only when I say the magic word can you go!) I would say that it was probably pretty recent, they stopped by the Otis & James Center For The Study of How Many Licks It Will Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop (O&JCFTSOHMLIWTTGTTCOATRTP) for some super awesome E.Pics!

[Being the new year, I will tell you just this one time again that E.Pics are the coolio term for Engagement Pics…now it’s up to you to keep yo køøl factor up and remember this so I won’t have to dork it up any more by using the old lingo…now back to the story]

Once I give the word and you begin to gaze lovingly at their supersweetsamplesnaps, you will see that we had a wonderful time working with this lovely wonderful (hey…there’s a new one, combine my two favorite adjectives and creat a new überadjective to describe them! I tell you what, 2007 is looking good!), and we give them ManyThanks & MuchLove for stopping by and haning wit’ the o&j crüe for a little while! Oh, and for those of you waiting for the magic word – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Kari & Zac!


Holy Mother of all things cute.

There. I had to say it. I hope that Zac doesn’t think it’s weird that I’m saying this. Really, I’m not trying to weird you out…I’m just calling it as I see it.

Now, this is a good thing! You see, your supersweetsnaps are…super sweet! Yes! See! Good Thing!

Well, now that I’ve made everyone feel uncomfortable, I think my work here is done. I leave you now with a message to the ever-wonderful Kari & Zac, saying MuchLove to them for being so wonderful, and to all of my faithful of the blog out in your happy blog homes at this fine moment – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Erica & Anthony!

Now, let our epic journey through time and space continue with a visit to the Otis & James Center for FunCentering, And For Really Sweet Stuff, In Addition To Incense Burners (O&JCFFAFRSSIATIB) from none other than new friends to Otis & James, the ever-lovely Erica & Anthony!

Now, they did not come down here to sit on the red couch in the Office of Otis & Ben (usually smelling like sushi), so they could listen to me as I regailed them with stories of the goldenolden days, of my wildlywasted youth, so they could eventually be all like, “What is the story with this dude?”

No No No. They did not come down for any of that trickery and or tom-foolery. Instead, they entered the doors to the FunCenter for some totallyawesome, and get some totally awesome is exactly what they did (does this really come as any suprise, taking into consideration just how totally awesome they are?)

We would like to give MuchLove to this wonderful couple for stopping down to Otis & Jamesville, and for giving us just a li’l bit o’ their sweet sweet time! And to all of me peeps out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Brenna & Eric!

The ever-lovely and totally charming Brenna & Eric stopped down to the FunCenter, in a time which we shall call ‘not so long ago, but yet not so recent that I can really recall’, for some crazysweet E.Pics, and this is the story.

You see, it was one of those shoots which was shot (ugh…could that sentence start off any worse?) by yours truly, the one and only, the master of disaster, the king of pain, the sultan of shoreview, the man of minot, the clown of Cleveland (actually, have never lived in Cleveland, but was bestowed the title after saving the town from impending distruction from an asteroid after the OTIS5000 Satellite discovered not an asteroid, but instead a 1978 Ford Thunderbird travelling through time and space with one mission and one mission only…to destroy Cleveland…but, I told them about it, and…well…you all know the rest of that story) Otis!

Most days, Otis is kept away from clients, only being let out from time to time for good behaviour. But today was different, and the ever lovely and always charming Brenna & Eric had the good fortune to have the Otis (and, I shall from this point on refer to myself as ‘The Otis’) be the one behind the camera.

Him, and his talented assistant Kinzo tore on into the shoot, and after a period in which the ever lovely and always charming Brenna & Eric may have thought that Otis was mere seconds away from losing his mind, they had a splendid time taking many picto-graphs in the FunCenter for Fun, and on this day, beautiful E.Pics!


I would like to thank them for not running away in fear from my insanity, and to all of my peeps of blog that may or may not be sitting in front of a Chirstmas tree named Clifford – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement