Chris & Amber

There was a time, and there was this place. This time, it shall be called a couple of Thursdays ago. This place, it very well could be called the FunCenter. And in these places, there could be this couple, and their names could very well be (and I’m pretty sure…in fact I’m positive that they are), Chris & Amber!

They just might have come down to this place, at this time, for a specific reason. This reason very well might have been to have some totally awesome (and again, if you truly want to be hip to the blog, you gotta call them, but if being hip isn’t your bag, I will translate this kool to you and let you know that I mean engagement pics…but I swear this is the last time that I’m gonna do this for you!) taken, and they just may have been taking these photo-graphs because someday, someday soon, they will be making some wedding photo-graphs at their wedding.

I’m gonna say thank you to Chris & Amber for being so friendly, and for coming in on the tail end of a day (I do love the nightlife!), and for the rest o’ you peeps; you’re all gonna have to figure out what it is that is going on here. Best of luck, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Scott & Lindsey!

Our Friday came to a loverly ending with a visit from new friends of Otis & James, Scott & Lindsey – and they did not come to the FunCenter to get a VCR, or for a loaf of bread, or to get a new battery for their riding lawnmower, or even to vote in a school board election. Oh no, they came down for some (and, my friends, those that are in the know, know them as – and you want to be in the know, now, don’t you?), and in case you were wondering, we indeed got ourselves a digital basket full of!

But this was not made possible because of the lens, or the CF card, or the CMOS sensor, or because of us, or even because of viewers like you. Oh no, this was made possible because Scott & Lindsey were absolutely wünderbar to work with (that’s German for ‘most excellent’ or ‘dang sweet’), and our time with them couldn’t have been any better! It was a beautiful evening, a beautiful couple, and…again…wait for it…we got some beautiful snaps!

If you wanted to read a book, you would have gone down to the library and rented one. Instead, you find yourself at the blog wondering how many more words will your eyes have to stumble through until you can finally get to the snaps??!! So, with much thanks to Scott & Lindsey for being awesome, and much thanks to the people of the blog for just being you – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Wyatt & Ann!

Is there, my friends, any better way to start the day (and yeah, I do qualify 11:00 AM to be the start of the day) that with a visit from new friends of O&J, none other than Wyatt & Ann??!! NO! Wow, I kind of shouted that no back there, but I mean it – it truly was a great way to start the day!

And this past Thursday, the FunCenter got off to a great start with this wonderful couple, and the results were – how do you say – fantastical! Loverly! Incrediablelyular! I’m not from these parts, you will have to forigive if my language is a little bit rusty, but will any of those words work? Well, basically, they were awesome, and the proof lies not in my lame-oh words, but instead in their lovely sample snaps!

So, much thanks to this wonderful coule for taking the time to come down and see us, and for all you all of you all out there in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Levi & Emily!

Listen, for I tell you a story (is that biblical, or am I going into the intro to the Beverly Hillbillies?? Oh well…), and it’s about a totally awesomely wonderfully sweet couple that just happens to go by the name of Levi & Emily (these are actually two different names, they are not an überperson that is a single entity, we clear on this?), and about how we had a wonderful time this past Tuesday Tuesday past (that’s one of those things that’s the same going forwards and backwords, like 1991…crazy) working with them on an absolutely gorgeous evening!

This story continues with me telling all you all (again, that thing) about how lucky we are to have such great couples to work with, and about how we can’t wait until their wedding day (which, never fails, will be here sooner than we expect!), because if our time together today was any indication, the wedding is going to be totally sweetly sweets! But, I can tell that you out there in the land of blog are tiring from my story, and I think that we should get to the best part of any story, and that’s the snaps. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Sunset & Puddles & Kyle & Rhonda!

Do you know what we did this past Thursday evening?? Do Ya?? Well, let me fill you in on the det’s (again, this is superlingo of photo-graphers, and it is short for ‘details, but I can’t be expected to continually explain these things to you, you’re gonna have to start figuring it out sooner or later, and it’s pro’ly gonna be better if it’s sooner, rather than later).

We had a little sunset, we had some puddles, we had a Kyle, and we had a Rhonda, and we put them all into the giant mixing bowl that is O&J, and we came up with some superawesome Engagement Snaps! The resulting product?? Well, I say they absolutely rocked, but it was all them; we just happened to be there with a CMOS sensor with a composite plastic shell and a lens or two to capture it. That means we had a camera.

So, enough with all of this jibberin’ and jabberin’, and let’s move on to what you really came here to see, some sample snaps…so – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Derek & Tammara!

Just a little bit ago, in the time that we shall call ‘the week before last’, we were visited later in the evening, perhaps it was on a ‘Monday’ (I’m putting everything in quotes today..Monday it’s two for one at the useless punctuation store), if you will, perhaps this lovely couple came in for some superawesome Engagement Snaps, heck, not even perhaps, it is true…they did come in for some superawesome Engagement Snaps, and some superawesome Engagement Snaps they did get!

If you peel away the layers of jibberish that are above these current words, you will find that what I’m trying to say is that we had a great time working with this wonderful couple, and we look forward to the main event, which will be here any day now…well…we actually know for sure when it will be, but I like to keep this ambiguity going as much as I can, but we can hardly wait!

Enough, enough already of my tired old words, let’s get to some supersamplesnaps of the festivities, and don’t forget to – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Lance & Darla!

Shucks, man…I know you’ve been waitin’ for this, but I just hadda build up the suspense as much as I possibly could, yo.

What I’m saying to you, is that the wait if ovah! But one more thing before we go to that special place where as a child I’d hide…whoa…G’N’R flashback…but before we get to the totally awesome snaps of this wonderful couple that we had the great pleasure of ending our day with this past Thursday (and it was even the L-Man’s B-Day!), I’d just like to take a minute and thank this gorgeous couple for making time for O&J.

We know the journey was far, and we can’t tell you how much that means to us! A’ight (I think I’m really starting to speak street!) then, let us dispatch with all of these words, and divert our attention to the space below, where the gorgeousosity of this couple is gonna rock your socks off – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Good Ol’ Cousin Ryan, and the Lovely Jennifer!

A couple of Sundays ago, well, too many Sundays ago to remember (you can take me down to the O&J Punishment Center, which is located in the sketchy dank basement and do what seems fit…mucho ((that’s espanõl for ‘much’…I think…I might actually be wrong)) apologies to this lovely couple for taking so long to get the goods up on the site…and of course, it happens to familia ((which is some language for ‘family’))…I’m not even sure what is happening with this sentence punctuation, so I’m just gonna end this part now) we had a special visit from my good ol’ (actually younger than me) cousin Ryan, and his lovely lady Jennifer, and the cause was some super-sweet-engagement-photo-graphs!

They bounded into the studio ready to get down to biz (that’s professional lingo for ‘business’), and get down to biz is exactly what they did! They straight up rocked it up, so much so that when it came time for us to stop, you could see the tears welling in the eyes of Ryan, as you could tell that he never wanted the session to end (he’s such a diva!) We had a great time, and we look forward to their big day!

Well, we know the drill, I need to stop talking and we need to get ready to see some of the super sweet snaps (that’s photographer for ‘pictures’) that were gotten (and how could they not be sweet, as Ryan & I are actually twins separated at birth, ((I think it’s time that we all just admited that this is the truth)) and by genetic traits alone I knew he was going to be an awesome mixture of rugged masculinity mixed with a flirtatious soul, and wrapped in a body that could be used as a prototype for all men…and as if that wasn’t enough, Jen is the true beauty of this couple – absolutely gorgeous!) Alright, enough already and let’s see some of the goods – Enjoy!

Categorized as Engagement

Brock & Shauna!

Yesterday evening (that’s right…two in a row from the previous day…amazing) came to an absolutely lovely close with a visit from new friends of the Otis & James Circus, the one and only (well, there’s actually two) Brock & Shauna!

It seemed as if perhaps they had been practicing for weeks for this event, but I’m here to report that all of this just came effortlessly to them. How could this be? How could a couple pull this off unless they had been in a rigorous training regimen, plotting and planning their poses…knowing just how and when to work the camera. I mean, they must have been like Rocky Balboa getting ready to fight Drago in Rocky IV…holed up in some barn in the middle of Siberia, running up mountains with a log strapped across their backs. This is what I thought, this is what I thought.

Alas, there was no such regimen, only effortless beauty eminating from this couple. It may have something to do with love…whoa…am I getting all Lifetime on y’all?? Alright, I think it’s time for me to stop before I get to deep, and just throw out a quick thank you to this wonderful couple, and to all our there in the world of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Nathan & Jeannine!

Our Friday Last (that sounds kind of like the start of a poem, but alas, you will find no word beauty around here, just good ol’ fashioned werds around these here parts) came to a lovely end with a visit from this fantastic couple!

We had a joyous little time (now, that sounds like the start of a Christmas song, but it’s waaaaaayyyyy to warm for that) working with them, and all of the pieces came together, and you know what, they came together to form a wonderful shoot! We can not wait until the main event for this lovely couple, but for now we must be satisfied with these sweet sweet engagement snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement