DYTYCJLMLT v.1 :: Aaron & Katie Edition

Journey with me, if you will, to a land far far away (north of Grand Forks even), in a time long, long ago (we’re talking more than one and one half of one week ago), so we can be a part of the wedding of Aaron & Katie!

It was a gorgeous day, one that was fit for a King and Queen…wait a minute, I think these words were just headed to the land of cheese (and I’m not talking Wisconsin), so it might just be better if I say that we had a wonderful time working with these old friends of Otis & James, and were happy to be a part of their loverly day. But you’re not here for the words, you’re here for the visual stimulation of what is below. So – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

Did You Think You Could Just Leave Me Like That???

Huh?? Did Ya???

I suppose that this might just be the thought that has been crossing the collective minds of all out there in the world of blog. You know, the thought that it’s just typical – the whole ‘build me up to break me down’ sort of thing.

I don’t blame you for having these feelings, but I’m promising you something – I’m gonna change. You just gotta give the O&J FunCenter just one more chance. I mean, think of the good times we’ve all had…Jimminy Christmas…we’re called the FunCenter. Just trust us. Actually, I’ll even show you how serious we are. Prepare thyselves for an innundation of blog entries, each one better than the next, all of them just as prescious as any other.

Get ready, because we are about to enter a new era of acronyms, this one will be called DYTYCJLMLT (because of the title, natch.)

Peace Out

Categorized as Musings

Matt & Jen

Our Friday (and again, I speak of the one from last week, not today…I know…the suspense of waiting for these things can be madness, MADNESS) came to a lovely conclusion, as friends of Otis & James, Matt & Jen, stopped by the studio on the way to the church for some super-lovely on-the-way-to-the-church-wedding-photographs!

How perfect that we just happened to be here at the studio waiting and ready to take some super-lovely on-the-way-to-the-church-wedding-photographs. A perfect match! Well, we had a great time working with the new Mr. & Mrs., and we wish them all the best life has, especially the best linen. You can never go wrong with good linen. Alright, let’s look at some snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

The Boys Are Back In Town

Three cheers for Thin Lizzy references. Hip Hip!

Our last Friday afternoon (and again, I speak of the one past, not the one present), we were paid a visit from some old friends of Otis & James – we’re going back, back, back in time to some of the original clients.

They never stop growing – what was once a baby is now a young man. From what I understand, they will all be going to college this next year. I mean, this is just what I hear from James, as I had to go on a quick trip down to Bismarck for some photo-graphic equipment, and she had to do the shoot solo style.

She swears that they are all teenagers, and that these might have been Senior Portraits. Where does the time go, indeed. Well, it was great that we were able to see them again, and we hope to see them again soon!

Much thanks to the boys (and their always lovely assistants) for taking a little time off from their summer for a visit to O&J Land. But really, when will I stop typing and get to the snaps…what’s that…oh yeah, I’ll do it now – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

If It’s Friday, It Must Be Erin!

I don’t know if we told Erin this while she was hangin’ out with us this past Friday (and again, I’m talkin’ ’bout the one a week ago, not this one – and I’m not quite sure what the title of this post means, but it looks good up there), but the three of us have something in common. Can you guess what it is? No, it’s not that we have all been to Electic Ladyland, and it’s not that we all like chopped liver on a cracker. Nope. In fact, I’m pretty sure that neither Erin or James have done those previous two things. Do you got it yet??

Well, here goes: we all have the name Erin (or in my case, Aaron) in our names!! She’s got it on the front end, we’ve got it in the center. CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYY!! Seriously, what are the odds of something like that? Astronomical. Because of this, it seems more like fate than coincidence that Erin came down to the FunCenter for some sweet sweet Senior Snaps last week!

We had a blast working with Erin, going to all sorts of cool places, and getting some awesometacular shots in the process. Much thanks to Erin & her lovely assistant (Mom) for coming down and spending a little time with us, and we would now like to cut out all of this word mess and get to the goods – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Brent & Michelle…Wündercouple!

It should be illegal to have as much fun as we had with Brent & Michelle this past Thursday night. Now, I don’t mean that we did anything that could even remotely be considered a crime, unless you can categorize laughter as an offense punishable by local ordinances. We’re not a bunch of law-breakin’ hooligans, after all.

What I’m trying to say here, in somewhat obtuse terms (let’s pause for a second and look at the definition of that word, as I think it could really describe what happens here):

obtuse |əbˈt(y)oōs; äb-| adjective 1 annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand : he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse. See note at stupid .

Well, and that pretty much sums up that. Now that we have a good adjective for this thing, let’s move it on. Where were we now??? Ahh yes, we’re good law-abiding folks around here. Not that this has anything to do with Brent & Michelle, so let’s get back to them.

You see, we had an awesome time working with them, and we didn’t want our time to end! But, as all good things go, it had to eventually. And as I’ve said before, thank goodness that we have some sweet sweet photo-graphs to remind us of the time we shared. Until we meet again, my friends – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

It’s Stefanie…Y’all…and Don’t You Forget It!

Going back again inside the Otis & James Time Machine (the exterior of which is painted pink, the interior covered in wall to wall green shag carpeting, and the walls are painted in various shades of turquoise and what could best be described as a lime-like color…I think…we really need to have the interior person come back and explain to us just what kind of a feel it is that we are going for here, as I was thinking that we would have more of that stainless steel futuristic thang, but I guess I’m not on the same plane of consciousness as they are), we find ourselves having an awesome conclusion with a visit from our deluxe new friend, the always lovely and talented Stefanie!

She, along with a merry band of assistants came to the studio, literally, ready to rock (as evidenced by various rocking and/or rolling instruments), and it brings me great pleasure to announce that indeed, both rocking and rolling occured – and it was done in style!

Our time together was all to fleeting, but we will always have these photo-graphs to remind us of what once was…ahhh…the power of the photo-graphs. Never misunderestimate them. A huge thank you to Stefanie for the visit, and now, instead of continued words strung together in a ramshackle way (is that a word??) in order to conjure up some sort of a sentence, I suggest that we go instead to the colorful part of the post – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Aside from being one of my most favorite Bobby Dylan songs ever, Joey is also the name of our new wonderful friend that came down to visit us this past Thursday morning for some totally righteous Senior Pics!

Joey was a total blast to work with! I hate mornings – I’m not going to lie any more about this, I just don’t deal with the AM in the way that might be expected from a person my age. I still deal with it like a 17 year old. Which is not well. At least it wasn’t well for me at that age. And it still isn’t. But if I could work with someone as enjoyable as Joey every morning, I may actually come around on my anti-morning philosophy.

Becuase of her total awesomeness, our time with Joey just flew by – and we got a ton of great snappy snaps! We would like to thank her for taking time this AM and coming down for a visit on this beautiful morning! But, again, enough with all my crazy ramblingl and let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Wed-Nes-Day Fun with the Family Lun-Deen!

If you’re going to Otis & James, be sure to put some flowers in your hair…or something like that. I think it’s a song. I think there might be a song that is like that. In fact, I’m really sure that there is a song like that, but I’m not really good at paying attention to the minutia of the lyrics, so apologies to those of you sitting at home, Googling that lyric and realizing that it’s not quite right.

One thing that is right (check out that segue) was our time spent with the Family Lundeen this past Wednesday! We had a wonderful time working with this lovely young family – and they were all wonderful to work with! The snaps we got were wonder-iffically spectacularly sweet, and our time together was all too short!

I’ve learned my lesson one too many times, so I’m now going to cease this gibberishly long typing, and commence with the photographic viewing – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Chris…Keeper of the Union National

Our past Tuesday (there were many others that shared in this past Tuesday, but I like to think of it as only being ours, and everyone else is just borrowing the day from us, but that’s just my crazy thinking) concluded with a visit from none other than the Keeper of the Union National himself, Chris!

Our assignment, crazy-style-senior-pics. Crazy style kind of seems like it might be a part of a pizza promotion, you know, order your crazy-style-senior-pics and get a second order for only 99¢, or something like that, but there was nothing like that. Not even any dipping sauces. Just good old patriotic made in the USA Senior Pics! Rah!

Chris tore it up all wild-like (that means like, wild), and the results were as to be expected. Great. Nothing short of it, just great. Not good, they were great. Thanks be given to Chris for spending a little O&J quality time with us tonight, and to one and all out there in Blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors