Sometimes, people can control their own destiny. Sometimes, people can control others’ destinies. Sometimes, but it is very rare, you will meet someone that will be in control of much more than this, and Kelsi was just one of these people. You see, she was the Master of the Fall Day, and that’s crazy.
She was able to walk outside and find herself in absolutely wonderful situations, time and time again. She was able to communicate with the sky, the trees, and their leaves. I heard she even talked to a squirrel, and told this squirrel to make her a nice pair of winter boots, and two hours later this same squirrel came back with the nicest pair of winter boots that you have ever laid eyes on.
This reminds me, there was one time that we worked with a person that actually had the title of ‘Not In Control of Anything…Including Myself, and Anything That I Come In Contact With’, and that shoot was very difficult. This person just ran in circles in the studio flapping their arms and screaming something about a duck named Nacho, that’s really a goose. But Kelsi, oh no, she was nothing like this at all, because she was Master of the Fall Day!
Everything for Kelsi was perfect, including Kelsi herself! She was totally awesome to work with, and our time together was filled with nothing but sunshine, smiles and good times! If you close your eyes, you can practically hear the sound of happiness eminating from your computer…go ahead…close them…but only for a minute…because we’re now at that point that we give much[love] to Kelsi for stopping by the FunCenter and giving us a little bit of time, and y’all know that right after this we always go to the part where you get to look at the samplesnaps, so if your eyes are closed, you – like – totally won’t be able to see them. So open them up, and get ready for – Enjoy!
All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography