Nicole A…as in Awesome!

I bet you thought that things couldn’t get any better with our Seniors. It’s like, your on the beach in Jamaica, the sun is shining, you have not a worry in the world, and then, you win the lottery. That’s what it’s like around here. Except we don’t have a beach…well…we have Nelson Carlson, but that isn’t quite the same as Jamaica. And this was again proven to be true as the doors to the FunCenter opened up this past week and we welcomed the absolutely wonderful and talented Nicole to our warm & friendly confines!

She proved herself to be an absolutely wonderful person to work wth, as the Ladies of James have reported back to me during our post-session debriefing that their time together was filled to the brim with sweetsweetseniorsweetness, and she made their time together, quite simply…magical!

Now, I don’t know if she actually performed any magic, and it would be cool if she had brough a top hat and pulled a bunny from it, but that’s cool if she didn’t. Because by giving us these superawesomesamplesnaps (what is going on with me and these words, they asked), she has already done more than enough.

So, I will now say ‘thank you’ to Nicole A…as in Awesome for being, as your name states, awesome, and to all you all out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


You know what? Our week that was continued to amaze us, as the doors to the FunCenter opened up and lo, who should stand before us but none other than the One and Only, Reggie! And, in case you have suffered some sort of a brain trauma and are not quite sure what it is that we are currently in the midst of (and let me give you a hint before I give you an answer: ther is not a bride in the photograph, so that eliminates weddings), he came down for some SuperSweetSeniorSnaps!

Now, we had the good fortune of working with a young lady in the year past that just happens to be this young mans sister, so again – we knew from good ol’ genetics that Reggie was going to be awesome. But, again, it’s almost as if these brothers and sisters of Seniors past learn something from those which have gone before, because it’s like they are like…better.

Ummm…you got that?

Moving on, our time with Reggie was filled with awesome snaps, as he knew what it was that he wanted to get, and I can assure you as I type this, that what he gave and what he got are awesome. He was great to work with, and the Ladies of James reported back to me that their time together was not good…it was great. Alright. I’ve spent too much of your prescious time on all of these words, and I think that it is time for us to look at some sweet sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our week that was kept on keeping on, like a bird that flew, with a visit from the one and only, the man with a plan our new friend – Tyler! Why, you ask, were we so lucky as to be visited from such a friendly friend? Simple. To get some superawesomeseniorsnaps!

He, along with the ladies of James (that’s what I’m going to call you now, as it rolls off of the tongue a little easier than ‘the ladies of o&j’, or ‘the ladies of otis’ – even though that last one is my fav, I know that there is no way in a million gajillion years that you would ever go for that, especially seeing as how I mostly just take out the trash, and it is the Ladies of James (LOJ) that do the good ((read: important)) stuff) went here and there and to and fro in search of some good snaps, and I’m here today to report that good snaps were indeed found. So rest easy.

With this in mind, I think that it’s time for us to venture a little further down, just right below these words, and take a little time to look at the shiny pictures that are, Tyler – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


SeniorSnaps from the week past continued to rock our socks off, as the doors of the FunCenter opened up and a young man by the name of Mark came down and showed the meaning of superawesomeseniorsnaps. Oh, we thought we knew the meaning of this word before, but as it turns out, we only had an inkling of the true meaning…but this was soon to change.

I feel like that last line should be said by that guy that does the voiceover work for movie trailers. Getting back to the point, Mark came down to the FunCenter, and as the name implies, fun was indeed had by all. One and all. All in all. All together now, we all had fun! Come on people now, smile on your brother…whoa, I’m sorry…back to the current day.

Mark & the ladies of o&j had a wonderful time working together, and Mark was filled to the brim with totally righteously awesome ideas. In fact, one of the ideas was truly righteous (I’ll just let y’all out there in bloggywood figure out which ones I mean by that.) Taking into consideration all of these elements, is it any wonder that the Senior Portraits of Mark are totally awesome? No. I’m going to just answer my question for you.

Well, I could go on and tell you all sorts of stuff about all sorts of things, but I don’t think that any of you out there really want to know any more stuff from me than you already do, got it? Dig. Mucho Thanks (that’s Italian for ‘many’) to Mark for being so great, and to all of you, the collective that is blogger – Enjoy!

He Is…The Champion.

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Megan V, For Victory!

Our week past started off with a bang, as we welcomed none other than the lovely and talented Megan on down to the FunCenter for some supertotallyawesome Senior Snaps! We had the good great pleasure of working with her brough-ham this past year, so we knew that from a genetic viewpoint, she was going to be totally awesome. What we didn’t know was just how totally and completely awesome she was going to be…but we would soon learn.

Megan was what we in the photographic world refer to as being a ‘total and complete rockstar’. There is no way of sugarcoating this, y’all – she was awesome on many different planes of aweseomeosity. She came to the studio with an agenda, and she jumped from bullet point to bullet point with skill, ease and grace – she achieved victory with all things SeniorSnaps.

I don’t know what else to say about our time with Megan, other than it ended far too soon…perhaps there will be a time when we get to work with this gifted young lady again, but until that time – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Megan. Straight Up. Megan. Dig?

Our Thursday came to a thrilling (again, I’m not sure if this is the best adjective that could be used, but I’m gonna go crazy and just go with it) conclusion with a visit from the lovely, the stunning, the vivacious, the sublime, the interstellarly wonderful, the the one and only Megan!

Do you think that she came down to the FunCenter to find out the mysteries of life, or to listen to Otis talk and talk and talk about things that nobody cares about, or maybe you’re even thinking that she came down to the FunCenter to partake in the Kinzey & Ben Dance Party – hosted by DJ James. If you think any of these things, then you are sadly confused (which, coincidentally is the title of the third revision of my autobiography.) Because she came down here to rock the world that is Senior Portraits.

I know, you’re all gonna be all waiting for me to tell you something like, ‘…and guess what, she did!’, but you know what – I don’t even think that there is a need for me to tell all you all out there with your ethernet cables and your modems and your monitors and all of these other devices with their blinking lights and chirps and whistles and static and ether, all of you people out there don’t need to be told when somebody like Megan is totally awesome. It’s like, if I show you a picture of a smiley 🙂 – do you need to be told that it is a smiley? If you look at the sky, will you need me to tell you that it is what it is? No. And likewise, if you look at these snaps that are just mere words away, do you need me to tell you that they are awesome?

Do you really need me for these things? No, my fellow bloggers, I am just the facilitator of your enjoyment, I just push one of those blinking lights and put some data in a cord and send it off into the space that exists between me and you, and I have every bit of faith that you will know righteous snaps when you see them. These words that I type just offer up distraction from the straight up goodness that is Megan. Dig?

Alright. I think we’re all receiving the same ones and zeroes through our cords. Much thanks to Megan for being so great to work with – and to my faithful out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

At Long Last, Megan!

Keep Keep Keep Keepin’ On, next up in the extravaganza (what kind of a word is that?) of summer fun that we call Senior Snaps moved on over to a totally righteous Senior that just happens to go by the name of…wait for it…Megan!

The first time we met her was a long, long time ago. It was in a land with yellow walls, and in a time when she was more of a Junior than the glorious Senior she is now. But those days have passed us all behind. The walls are black, and instead of being the friend along for the shoot, she was the main event! But back in those days, we knew that when our time would come for her photo-graphs, it was gonna be good. And good, my friends, is an understatement. Let’s try great, or fantastic, or superb, or how about just plain crazy good.

For she was these, and probably quite a few more! The ladies of O&J with Special Guest Megan ventured here and there, to and fro, and do you know what they were looking for? They were looking for killer snaps (which sounds painful, but really…it’s not), and guess what…wait for it…they found ’em! But it was not the lovely ladies of O&J (again, we we be accepting orders in the coming year for the calendar) that made the day so great, it was Megan that rocked it up, and for this, we offer up a big plate of O&J thanks, served with some fresh baked bread.

But did you come here for a crusty bread, or did you come here to see some snaps??!! So, without any further delay, it’s Megan – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Ahh Shucks, Man…It’s Nikki!

And then on Tuesday (this train just keeps on a rollin’ through, one post begat the next, y’all) none other than Nikki herself joined up with us for some totally awesome-like Senior Snaps! You know what, they weren’t awesome-like, they was straight dope (now, for all of you out there over the age of 30, my writing has changed to ‘hip’. For example, where you would see ‘straight dope’, to make this sentence understandable you could substitue the word ‘groovy’, if you are a child of the seventies, or ‘totally tubular’, for the eighties, and ‘rad’, for all of you nineties kidz out there. It’s just that simple!), no doubt about it!

The ladies of O&J (calendar to come soon) totally rocked the shoot up hard core style, and from all reports fun & jocularity & awesome snaps were, ideed, had by all! I had to wait patiently back at the FunCenter to see what had transpired during the shoot, and when the goods were laid out, I too saw that the camera was, indeed, set to ‘Rock it Up’. But it was not the camera that did all of this awesome work, it was Nikki that made our time with her so totally and completely wonderful!

We’d like to send a little love her way for being so great to work with, and to all of you – the faithful of blog – out there reading this, as usual we send much love, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Monday Morning, Sheila, a Horse, and the Beach.

Do you ever play that game, ‘I went on a trip, and I brought a …’, and you’re supposed to fill in the word with the next corresponding letter of the alphabet? Like, you would be all like:

Person One: I went on a trip and I brought an apple.
Person Two: I went on a trip, and I brought a banananana.
Person One: I went on a trip, and I brought a camera.
Person One: I went on a trip, and I brought a donkey.
Person Two: I went on a trip, and I brought an eskimo.
Person One: I went on a trip, and I brought a fudgesicle.

And this could, in theory, go on for infinity. Well, the title of the post is like that, but you would also have to throw in a couple of Aunts, a couple of trucks, and an otisjames. What, you ask, was all of this all about?

Let me tell you, my fellow bloggers, we assemblemd this jamboree of objects and we hit that beach, Normandy style (a’ight, let’s hear it for hizzo ((history)) jokes in the stizzo ((that means studio, y’all, got it?))), and the cause was the superseniorsnaps of the one and only Sheila!

What can I tell you about this totally awesome Senior, and the totally awesome time we had, other than to say that it was totally awesome, and really, does it get any better than that? I didn’t think so. So instead of wasting my prescious adjectives and ruining the pureness of this total awesomeosity, I think that I will just say thank you to Sheila and her lovely assistants for being so great to work with, and to all of the peeps in the blogland waiting for it – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Do You Think You Can Handle One From Lexi??

Or two..or three…or four…or five…but can you handle six?? This is the question that I pose to all of you peeps out there in blogland. Now, you may have thought that you could handle one, or maybe even two, but I think you may have to sit back and truly ask yourself if you can handle the sheer volume of awesomelisciousness that is six glorious snaps of the one and only Lexi!

There is no way for me to describe, in the limited grunt like speak that I try to pass off as being the english language, how sweet the snaps we got during our time with the lovely Lexi (I do love the alliteration!) There is no way for me to really put into words the righteousosity that was our time with Lexi, no way for you to truly understand these things.

So, instead of rambling on with some sort of pseudo-deranged rambling on and on about one thing or another that may, but probably doesn’t have anything to do with the post, they’re just words that are there for the sake of being there, which also happens to be the working title of my autobiography (Words For The Sake of Being There: The Story of Otis), which will only delay your looking at her totally awesome sample snaps, I will just say ‘Thank You’ to the one and only Lexi for being so great to work with, and to the rest of you foo’s out there in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors