Brittany, Why Are You So Awesome?

Last Thursday the doors of the FunCenter opened up for the one and only Brittany, and the cause was some supersweetseniorsnaps!

In case you are wondering, Brittany does indeed resemble another member of the O&J Super Senior Team, but I’m gonna leave it up to your own devices to figure out which one it is (I’ll give you a hint…remember what the title of this post is…let it be your guide…if you still can’t figure it out, look at the bottom photograph in the post…if you still can’t figure it out, you may have a head injury and you should seek medical attention)! We knew that just by genetics, Brittany was going to be wonderful to work with, but she was more than just some matter in the form of a human, she was a total and complete rocker!

We couldn’t have asked for any more, that is until the dynamic duo joined up for a shot, and at that point we indeed almost destroyed our cameras, because there would be no point of taking any more photo-graphs once this perfection had been achieved! We would like to extend a muchos gracias to the lovely assistants (Ma & Sis) for helping out, and to Brittany – you were superawesome! And to all you all out there in blogville – Enjoy!

…and as a special bonus treat!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


It seems as if we had been trying to make our appointment with the one and only Katie work for like the past year, and finally, at the end of our big Tuesday, (holy comma usage), we had the greatgoodsupersweet pleasure of spending some quality time with this awesome senior!

And, thank goodness that we did wait, because our evening was absolutely wonderliscious! Katie, along with her faithful sidekick (sistah) came down to the FunCenter, where we tore it up during the indoor section of the shoot, where the whole thing was off the hook (is that still hip to say that?) But, as if that wasn’t enough, she then went to the world of the outside and rocked it up like Bon Jovi on the ‘Slippery When Wet’ tour (for those of you not familiar, he rocked tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf.)

We were sad when our time together finally had to end, but me thinks there might just be one more snappysnap coming down the pipes pretty soon (due to the rancid nature of that thing of beauty, the mighty Souris), so keep an eye out for it! So, until then, let these sample snaps below make you feel like dancing – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Miss Devin!

Our Tuesday kept on keepin’ on (like a bird that flew) with a visit from the totallysweetlysweet, none other than Miss Devin!

Now, I think that her first name is actually just Devin, but in our calendar it had been entered in as Miss Devin (me thinks McKinzey might have had a hand in this), and I rather like the sound of it. It seems so…southern…like we may be sitting on the front porch, or veranda, with a glass pitcher of fresh squeezed lemonade on a hot summer day…I like lemonade), and I’m gonna stick with it!

So, she came down to the studio just to say hello. I’m kidding. She came down for some supertotallyawesome seniorsnaps, and gues what, y’all – we got ourselves a whole bunch of supertotallyawesome seniorsnaps! I also like to conserve my usage of the spacebar (which is the name of a bar in space as well.)

Moving on, we had a wonderfultacular time working with Miss Devin, and we’d like to extend a big ol’ ‘thanks a bajillion’ for being such a rock star (in all the good ways, not the hotel trashing/thank you Cleveland way) to work with! Well, enough of this already, and let’s get on to the show – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Here’s the story.

If all of our Tuesday mornings could be as easy going and totally sweet as this past Tuesday AM was working with our new friend Jake, Tuesday morning would become my favorite part of the week.

Tuesday normally isn’t known for it’s total and complete rocking out sweetness, but it proved itself worthy of those words. Perhaps, however, it wasn’t Tuesday that was doing all of this hardcore rocking, but me thinks that it actually was the smooth work of our man Jake that made the AM so much friendlier than normal.

Come to think of it, the fact that it was Tuesday was merely incidental, and I am now having a grand realization that if Jake had come down on a klerptenday (which is found on the Venutian calendar), then klerptenday would have been just as rocking as our earth Tuesday was.

Alright, you got that? Can you hear the mothership? Well, with all of this in mind, much thanks to Jake for spending a little quality time with O&J, and to all you all out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Stephanie (& Pup!)

Our Monday continued with a SuperSpecial visit from the one and only Stephanie! She, along with her super-awesome doggie (& dog wrangler Mom) came down to the FunCenter for some Senior Snaps!

Ahh shucks, man, we had a fabulous time going here and there, to and fro, all in search of the perfect photograph. Well, we not only got one, but we got ourselves a whole basket (in all actuality the photographs are not really kept in a basket, but instead are kept in a magical digital card like thing, but this is getting way to technical) full of perfect pics! Alas, it was not us that caused all of this perfection, but it was Stephanie that was absolutely perfect!

We had a truly wonderful time working with her, and even though the session is now over, we’ll always have these sample snaps below to warm our hearts – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Tell Me Why, I Do Like Mondays…(It’s Heather!)

That title is a slight variation on an original for all you Boomtown Rats fans out there…hello…are you there? Moving on, I’ll tell you why I do like Mondays, and it comes down to this: it’s because we get to work with flippin’ sweet peeps like the one and only Heather!

Heather, you see, was so awesome that all we had to do was meet her here, and she not only was the one being photographed, she actually was the one taking the pictures too. That’s how good she was. James & myself just sat in the corner and wondered how it was that somebody could be so effin awesome to work with! Not only was she awesome, but her trusty sidekick (the one and only/soon to be featured on ‘the blog’) Hailey was awesome too! There was double awesome goin’ down! Did you hear that?? DOUBLE AWESOME GOIN’ DOWN!!! AND THREE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!! MAKE THAT FOUR! WHY AM I SHOUTING?

OK, so I’ve stopped my freakout, but I’m not gonna stop with just some words, I’m also gonna give you some snappitysnapsnaps, just as soon as I say ‘Much Love’ to Heather (and the lovely Hailey) for being such a treat, and now that that’s out of the way – Enjoy!

And, as a special bonus treat…

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Jenna…Just One More!

I think we need to see just one more from the always fantastical Jenna! So here goes – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Sunday Morning, Micaela Rocking!

There was no better way for us to start up a glorious Sunday Morning than with a visit from the even more gloriouser (it’s a word…it’s a seldom used word…alright…it might not be a word, but the O&J Thesaurus has taken a summer vacation and I’ve been left to my own devices, and plus it has run out of options for the word ‘awesome’, and since this word appears in every post ((I am a child of the 80’s, after all)) at least about ten times, it really has no value to me anymore, so as far as I’m concerned its summer vacation can last for as long as it has to…in fact, don’t even come back.) Micaela!

Normally, I would still be in the O&J Nest on the Sun Day, but on this particular day, spending a little bit o’ quality time with Micaela was the only thing we wanted to be doing! Why do I make such bold claims, you ask?? It’s because I speak the truth! Micaela was a total treat to work with, and she made the time just fly by. She didn’t even flinch when we found ourself next to the abandoned barn that had one lone mooing cow, and she didn’t even say a word as we found ourselves taking the super long way to get to the lake. Oh no, she kept on rocking through it all, and for that we want to say, you rock – straight up!

Did you really come here to look at the words?? No. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Ashley, Why Are You So Awesome?

This is kind of one of those questions like, ‘Why is the sky blue?’, or ‘Why does the sun shine?’, or ‘Why do the birds sing?’ – it’s something that can’t be answered in simple terms, they just are, or maybe it’s just better to accept that they just are, because getting an actual technical explanation might not really do it justice.

Like, I could tell you that it’s because of her beautiful smile, or her lovely personality, or because she knew just what to do in order to rock it up during the shoot. But do any of these explanations even do it justice? Perhaps we should just accept that the birds sing, that the sun shines, the sky is blue, and that Ashley is the epitome of all things awesome!

We truly had a great time working with our Rainbow friend, and we’d like to give a ‘holla’ to her for being so righteously rocking! But, did you really come here today to see these dumb ol’ letters on the page, or did you come to see some snappysnappysnaps?? Alrighty then – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Rockin’ Up the Thursday AM Wit’ a Little Wendy!

Hey now, did y’all like my first usage of ‘wit”…huh…addin’ a lil’ bit of street to ‘the blog’…huh…what do you think…keepin’ it pretty hip, aren’t we…what’s that…we’re old and out of touch, and those laughs we hear aren’t people laughing with us…ahh man, you must be trippin’ or somthing, ’cause I’m stone cold HIP! Well, for those of you out there in the world of blog that aren’t up on the vernacular quite like me, let me break down (translate) the title of this post for you; it means that this past Thursday morning, we had the sweetsweetlysweetness pleasure of working with the one and only Wendy, and our goal was to get some Senior Snaps!

What do you think the outcome was? Do you think that we weren’t able to get them? Alright, take a little sneak peek below and come right back up here…well, are you still wondering about whether or not we got them, or has your mind been completely blown by just how awesome our time with Wendy was??!! That’s what I thought, as there is no denying how totally and completely awesome Wendy was to work with, and how much fun we had!

Much love to Wendy for coming down to the FunCenter, and for being so great to work with! OK, even though you’ve already had a small little sneak peek, it’s time for us all to put these words aside and get to the goods – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors