
Aside from being one of my most favorite Bobby Dylan songs ever, Joey is also the name of our new wonderful friend that came down to visit us this past Thursday morning for some totally righteous Senior Pics!

Joey was a total blast to work with! I hate mornings – I’m not going to lie any more about this, I just don’t deal with the AM in the way that might be expected from a person my age. I still deal with it like a 17 year old. Which is not well. At least it wasn’t well for me at that age. And it still isn’t. But if I could work with someone as enjoyable as Joey every morning, I may actually come around on my anti-morning philosophy.

Becuase of her total awesomeness, our time with Joey just flew by – and we got a ton of great snappy snaps! We would like to thank her for taking time this AM and coming down for a visit on this beautiful morning! But, again, enough with all my crazy ramblingl and let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Chris…Keeper of the Union National

Our past Tuesday (there were many others that shared in this past Tuesday, but I like to think of it as only being ours, and everyone else is just borrowing the day from us, but that’s just my crazy thinking) concluded with a visit from none other than the Keeper of the Union National himself, Chris!

Our assignment, crazy-style-senior-pics. Crazy style kind of seems like it might be a part of a pizza promotion, you know, order your crazy-style-senior-pics and get a second order for only 99¢, or something like that, but there was nothing like that. Not even any dipping sauces. Just good old patriotic made in the USA Senior Pics! Rah!

Chris tore it up all wild-like (that means like, wild), and the results were as to be expected. Great. Nothing short of it, just great. Not good, they were great. Thanks be given to Chris for spending a little O&J quality time with us tonight, and to one and all out there in Blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Downtown Strollin’, With Kelly!

This past Wednesday, the FunCenter fired up it’s photographic furnaces (most people don’t know this, but our cameras are powered by two gigantic furnaces…crazy, huh?) and welcomed the gracious and lovely Kelly to the FC (that’s short for FunCenter – remember, abbrev’s!) for some absolutely wondertacular Super Summer Senior Snaps (SSSS – abbrev’s & acron’s, y’all)!

Our time together was sweet, and we rocked it up hardcore! I don’t know what that even means, but let me translate – Kelly was great to work with, and the sample snaps will, indeed, bear witness to this statement. Again, enough with all of this stream of consciousness rambling that may be a desperate cry for attention, and let’s get on with the show – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Up next on our Super Sumer Senior Tour was a totally rocking show with new friend of Otis & James, the lovely and talented Mandy, as she and her assistant (Mom) stopped down to the FunCenter for some sweetly sweet Senior Snaps!

Sometimes it’s hard to put just how awesome our time is with our Seniors, and Mandy is no exception. This struggle for words usually causes one to seek wisdom from the great poet known as Jon Bon Jovi, as he usually says it best. We can gain this bit of wisdom from him, as he says that we are cowboys, on the steel horse we ride. I think that this nugget of truth best sums up just how totally rocking Mandy was during our time together!

We had a great time working with Mandy & assistant, and we thank them for taking time from the summer to visit us! Well, I have kept you all long enough, and me thinks it is time to move on to the part you’re waiting for, the snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Thursday Rockin’ With Ashley!

I was going to call this post, ‘Ashley…Master of the Pan Flute’, but I’m not sure that anyone would even get the reference to the totally awesome informercials that used to bombard my head during all hours of the day during the ’90’s. If thereis a groundswell of support for this alternate title, just let us know in the comments section, and once it becomes clear that there is great support for this, we will make the change.

What does this have to do with the absolutely lovely Ashley that graced our studio this past Thursday, you ask?? The answer is nothing! But the truth of the matter is that none of that even matters, the only thing that does matter is that this past Saturday the O&J FunCenter was given the good fortune of working with our new friend Ashley, as her quest for Senior Portraits began! This may not be the only thing that matters in life, but right here in the right now of this words, it is all that matters!

Would you believe me if I told you that Ashley was a true treat to work with, as we subjected her to all sorts of tortuous (is that a word?) activities! Well, it doesn’t even make a difference if you believe me or not, because what I tell you is the truth…THE THRUTH!! She didn’t even blink as good ol’ Jamie had her all rubbin’ up on some sketchy wall that caused itching! What a trooper! What a super-trooper! What a scoooper-trooper-super-duper! Indeed!

Enough with this gibber-ash, on with the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Storm Chasin’…With Amber!

This past Wednesday we started our 2007 Seniors off with a bang, which was caused by lightning. You see, I could have said that we started off with a bang and just left it at that, but there was this mad stormy weather that kept on keepin’ on throughout the course of the shoot.

We started off in the studio, but when we was supposed to go outside and do the location part of the shoot, the weather said ‘Oh no you ain’t…so don’t even THINk about it!’ (I like the way that this looks with the k not being capital – sort of looks like it might be the name of some sort of fancy new company that specializes in corporate identity solutions…THINk – check it out) So we let ourselves be at the mercy of the weather for just a little bit, and took a little break to let it calm down.

When we started back up again, it seemed as if the weather temper tantrum was over, and we ventured into the wilderness of the great outdoors with reckless abandon! No sooner had we begun this abandonment of whatever the opposite of reckless is, that the weather reared its ugly head again. But no, my faithful bloggerites, we did not let this nasty ol’ weather scare us back to the FunCenter (aka our studio), oh no, we stood strong and said ‘Is that all you got to offer??’

The response, a feeble ‘Yeah…I’m going to stop this wind, rain, lightning and what not and I’m gonna let you get some sweet snaps – and oh, hold on – I’ll give you some sweet sweet sun and beautiful skies to work with…and…can we still be friends?’

While I still haven’t figured out if we still have room in our lives for Weather (its friends call it w – again, lowercase – and yes, it knows that the Prezzy-Prez is called that too, but Weather had it first), what we were able to figure out is that Amber was a treat to work with – it’s been a while since the last time that we worked together, and we couldn’t be any happier that she was the first of this new season. Well, seeing as how this post has taken on epic proportions, we present to you Amber – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Dana…One More Time!

After many close calls, tonight we finally had the great pleasure of working with old friend of Otis & James, none other than the one and only lovely Dana!

She, again along with her lovely assistant (Mom) came down to the Otis & James Center for Stunted Emotional Growth (O&JCFSEG) for some super sweet Track/Prom type photographs. Not that we had some sort of a weird combination of Prom on a runnning track. Although that idea sounds strangely intriguing, we opted instead to go for something a little different.

We would like to thank Dana & her Assistant for taking time out to visit us on this lovely evening, and we would now like to see some snaps, and not see any more typing words – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

The Emily (I’ll Say Cecil) Edition!

You got soul, you got groove, you got it all.

And That’s That.

And if you’re ever in the Highland Park area of St. Paul, Minnesota, be sure to check out Cecil’s Deicatessen. Have a Reuben and tell them Otis sent ya – even though it won’t get you anything since I was technically fired from there.

Oh, and Emily – your awesomaciousness overwhelmed us, your glowing aura still lingers, and our thanks go out to you for everything – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


This past Saturday morning, right after my normal watching of the sunrise and composing poetry perched high above the valley of Minot on a grassy hill, which is followed by some flute playing (which natch leads to a bird landing on my shoulder), I sauntered off on my steed and met up at the studio with my right-hand-lady James (which doesn’t seem right to have a lady named James, but it’s all good) and then both of us were joined up by new friend to Otis & James, the lovely Stephanie!

The cause – some super snappy senior pickies (and it’s OK if the term ‘pickies’ makes you want to slap me)! She came in ready to rock – and you know what – rock she did! She rocked, she tore it up, she was totally sweet/awesome!

We would like to thank Stephanie for coming down to the Funcenter on this lovely morn, and we would like to show our thanks by offering up some snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Lacie, Lindsey, Matia & Natalie…The Glenburn Four!

With a name like the Glenburn Four, you would think that they were responsible for any number of felonious acts. Let us, for a moment, ponder this statement.

Maybe that’s their game. Remember that movie Point Break with Keanu Reeves and that other guy that was in that one movie Dirty Dancing…uhh…hold on…it’ll come to me…Patrick Swayze! But in this movie they wear these masks that are of the ex-Presidents – Carter, Nixon, Ford, Reagan – their gang was called the ‘ex-Presidents’. Did you know that I am the biggest fan ever of this movie? After reading this description, I’m sure you do.

But maybe that’s their gig. They get dressed up and all look crazy beautiful, and this throws people off. They think, “How can women that look so incredible be committing such felonious acts?” And all of this thinking about stuff like that provides the perfect distraction. I smell a movie!

I may have completely flipped my lid, but I think that this is a good idea. Not in real life, but for a movie…or perhaps one of those Lifetime movies. Alright, let’s reign this thing back to Earth for a second.

Did I mention that in no way does Otis & James Photography, or any of its subsidiaries condone any form of felonious acts in any way, and in no way actually implies that any of these lovely ladies would ever in a million years ever be involved with anything like said acts? Alright.

Seriously, we couldn’t have had any more fun, and couldn’t have found a better way to end our night than with a visit from these Old Friends of Otis & James! We thank them for their dress rehearsal for the big night, and would like to wish them well with the actual performance, and would like to give a huge thanks for putting up with this horribly long post, and for being so completely awesome – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography